The most common situations where people face drug tests include hiring for work and professional athletics. Those who apply for jobs, including those in the real estate industry, may be required to take a drug test. At the same time, professional athletes have been subjected to drug tests for decades. Still, many athletes are able to get around drug tests and continue to cheat the system. There are a few key ways in which those who play sports are able to manage to test clean. Of course, the only foolproof method is to stay clean and try to ensure that the test you are given is done by a reputable lab under proper conditions.
First, there are some situations in which athletes know when a drug test is coming. They are able to time the drugs they take in such a way that they are out of their system when the time comes for the drug tests. Athletes who dope know how long their drugs are going to stay in the system. Steroids that are taken orally will stay in the body for up to 14 days, depending on the exact steroid taken. On the other hand, steroids that are injected may stay in the body for up to 30 days. Therefore, when they arrive for the test, the drugs they take have already left their system. As a result, their body will test clean on that given day. Then, after the test, they can resume their steroid use once again.
Another way athletes are able to cheat a drug test is by taking a steroid or drug that will not show up on the drug test. Most drug tests work by looking for specific breakdown products, called metabolites, of certain drugs. When someone takes steroids (either by mouth or via injection), the body will metabolize the steroid and excrete the waste products, called metabolites, in the urine. Therefore, if the athlete is able to take a drug that doesn't produce these metabolites, the sample is going to test negative, helping someone pass the test.
This is where SARMs, called selective androgen receptors molecules, are helpful. There is a great guide for SARMs that discusses this novel option. These innovative drugs work in a manner that is similar to anabolic steroids. They can help someone build additional lean muscle. On the other hand, they will not show up on a drug test. SARMs are not broken down by the body in the same way as traditional steroids. As a result, when the body breaks down SARMs, they produce different metabolites. Because the drug test is not looking for the metabolites of SARMs, the drug test will come back clean.
These are only a few of the many ways that athletes have been able to cheat drug tests. In many states, this is legal. Those who have to take a drug test in the near future are of course best off staying clean and hope that the test they take is accurate and done under proper conditions. Of course, many are following in the footsteps of these successful athletes. By knowing when the drug test is coming and how the drug test works, individuals will always find creative ways to test clean. Passing a drug test can provide someone with opportunities that might not otherwise enjoy and many will feel compelled to be creative.