To improve your bathroom and make it luxurious, all you need is a little creativity and the perfect decoration pieces. Though the bedroom is the second most costly space to enhance in a home, there are a lot of ways that you can make your bathroom look exquisite even with a small budget.

Julia Millay Walsh of MY DOMAINE says that it's important that you have your own private seating area in the bathroom where you can clean your nails or just essentially unwind.

Another way to make your lavatory look expensive is to keep toiletries and personal items covered. This would make the space look clean and orderly.

You can also use a mirror with an exquisite design in the bathroom. Plain and printed rugs are also advised to add a luxurious vibe in your bathroom.

Jaimie Wiebe, web proofreader at ELLE Décor, also suggests using fluffy towels and shower mats in the bathroom. This will help provide a spa-like atmosphere in your space.

Dim lights can also add a luxurious vibe to your bathroom. You can install dimmers or simply buy those with low-power consumption. Scones or candles are great alternatives too.

A rainfall shower head, regardless of its amount it, is also a staple of luxurious bathrooms, so make sure you have one in your home. You can get one under $40.

Lastly, plants can also help you achieve that luxurious vibe in the bathroom. Plants can make the bathroom look fresher. Plants are also easier to maintain in the bathroom because of the higher humidity level. You can go for little bamboos, aloe vera or other indoor bonsai plants.