As indicated in the old Chinese art of arrangement known as Feng Shui, implementing certain guidelines and standards in the home's layout will help draw positive energy into your space. Here are some Feng Shui room tips that you can try for your bedroom.

Keep your bed away from the door. As indicated by HGTV, it is imperative in Feng Shui that the bed has a proper position, which is as far away as could be from the entryway of your room. The best place to position the bed is in the corner diagonally opposite the door. Such arrangement apparently promotes better rest and solid chi.

Position mirrors appropriately in your room. Love to Know says that mirrors should not be directly placed across or over a bed. It is important that the bed is not reflected in the mirror as it reportedly would invite an outsider and result in a relationship betrayal.

Dispose of clutter. The fundamental guideline in Feng Shui is disposing of clutter in your home. Love to Know says that dirt and dust produce stagnant chi, which results in negative things, for example, ailments, friction in relationships, and even money loss.

HGTV likewise says that there should never be clutter under the bed, as it can reportedly disrupt the flow of energy in the bedroom. This could result in stagnation of life, as indicated by feng shui experts. It is important that you have various types of storage where you keep items in your room. Without clutter, the chi can flow freely in your room.

Use relaxing colors in your room. Feng shui specialists suggest using warm, earth and skin tones when designing your space. Peach, cream, terra cotta, light blue, green and lavender are famous choices as they give off a tranquil vibe and promote vitality in your room. Meanwhile, using pink and red, which are the colors of romance, can help boost your connection with your spouse and loved ones.