Want to help the environment and save more cash at the same time? These simple hacks will help decrease your electric bill and at the same time conserve energy for a healthier environment.

According to Trulia, the very first step is to identify which are the "energy vampires" inside the home. These are the items that continuously use energy like appliances that use remote control, have continuous display or have external power supply. These items use energy even when they are turned off.

With that, simply turning off the television isn't enough as even when it is turned off it can still suck energy, and one could have extra $150 in the electric bill. It is best to plug off these appliances and not only turn them off when not in use.

The site also suggested investing in power monitor devices to optimize energy usage at all times. This will help one figure out how much energy is being used throughout the day so that changes can be made accordingly.

Other simple habits like using small appliances for small meals and stocking up the fridge will ensure that one can use less energy. Also, Joamos said to not open the microwave door or oven door when cooking is still in progress as converting the temperature back to its working temperature will require more energy for the appliance.

Other simple hacks include not using the fan and AC at the same time and also avoiding using the dryer during the summer season to make use of solar energy.

Lastly, convert to LED bulbs. Although these may be expensive upfront, LED bulbs are an absolute power saver. Compared with incandescent bulbs which only last for 1,000 hours, LED bulbs can last up to 25,000 and use minimal energy compared with its rival.