You may already be excited to move on to your own home after years of renting, but there is still one thing you need to do. Getting your old apartment clean and spot-free before you move out is a must if you still wish to see your security deposit handed back to you in full amount or, at least, a part of it.

As previously reported here on Realty Today, the security deposit acts as a safety net for the landlord in case the tenant fails to pay the rent or the tenant incurs some damage to the apartment during his or her stay. One of the things covered by the security deposit is the house's condition and its cleanliness.

It is, therefore, vital to leave the apartment in a clean and spot-free condition before you move out if you want to get your security deposit back in full. Trulia listed several cleaning hacks to ensure that your landlord will not be able to spot the mess you have made during your stay in the apartment.

One of the most common things that apartment renters forget to check are the scuff marks on the floors. Yes, landlords also check for those and deduct them from your security deposit.

If, however, you were lucky enough to spot it before your landlord makes a final check of the apartment's condition, you can easily get rid of these marks with the use of a tennis ball. Simply rub the tennis ball over the marks and these should be gone in no time.

Tenants also sometimes forget the mess they've made with the refrigerator, oven and microwave before moving out. To clean the oven, simply create a mixture of baking soda and water and coat the oven with the paste and leave it overnight. Wipe it down the next day and spray it with white vinegar.

The publication also recommends running a bowl half-filled with water, lemon juice and rinds in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes to loosen the gunk.