Confused with what window treatments are the best to use? Real Simple provided some simple tips on choosing curtains and window treatments for beginners.

Where to Start

Before anything else, set aside some style considerations before picking any widow treatments. The first thing that needs to be considered is the purpose of the window treatments. Is it needed to provide privacy or total darkness at night? Is it just something decorative inside the room? There are different kinds of curtains and window treatments for a wide number of purposes.

Fabric and Color

Before choosing the right curtain or window treatment, consider first the mood of the room. The fabric and the color of the curtains should be appropriate to the mood of the room.

For example, in any formal space, heavy silk or velvet would be the best choice. To give the room a more casual feel, choose something that is light like linen or crushed velvet. Cotton or any cotton blends will also blend with any type of decoration inside the room.

For colors, the best hues are the ones that will blend or complement the color of the room. It is best to choose something that has the same color tone as the wall or it could be a few shades darker.

Curtain Designs

For curtains with prints and patterns, one should consider the style of the furniture first. If the furniture or bedding has patterns in it, it is best to stick with solid curtains. On the other hand, for solid furniture designs, it would be best to choose patterned curtains. This will add energy and balance inside the room.

Where to Buy

There are tons of stylish window treatment shops that are available online. The site suggested and for those who are on budget while it suggested looking at for customized, made-to-order curtains.