You may already be in the middle of your remodeling project at home or maybe you are already done with it when someone you know approaches you and asks you about the costs of the project. While some may be comfortable answering this question, others feel awkward revealing how much they shelled out for a specific project. If you are more on the latter part, here are some ways to avoid the awkward question:

Remodeling your home is truly an achievement. You may even invite a couple of your family, friends, and neighbors over to host another housewarming party to celebrate your newly renovated house. Unfortunately, some of them may ask you the question: "How much did the whole project cost?"

While some of you may be comfortable telling others the exact amount you had to pay to remodel your entire home, Apartment Therapy noted that there are several ways to avoid this question if it is awkward for you to tell anyone else about the money you spent on the project.

The first would be to tell them that you are not comfortable discussing such things in polite company. What does polite company mean?

According to Collins Dictionary, a polite company refers to "people who consider themselves to be socially superior and to set standards of behavior for everyone else." Another would be to bargain with them and try exchanging your secrets with another one of their own.

The publication also noted that you can tell them that you are still bargaining on the final amount with the company or you may also tell them that you have a policy at home about such instances.

A white lie may also do in this case, but it may work better if you just simply ask them why they are interested in knowing the costs of your project. After all, you are all gathered there to celebrate your newly renovated home, not to talk about the costs.