Here are some five helpful and creative hacks for your home kitchen. According to Elle Décor, there are so many ways on how to improve the look of your kitchen and maximize the space that it occupies in your home.

For instance, if you want to save time when making your favorite dishes, try a different approach when it comes to your preparation. What you can do is to prepare the food at night and then simply ask somebody to heat it up for you in the morning. This way, you won't have to cook a meal in the morning, and you can save some time before going to work.

If you have frozen food stored in your freezer, make sure to regularly transfer them to the fridge. Doing this will make it easier for you to defrost some ingredients that you might also want to use when cooking your meals.

If you are the type of person who skips eating breakfast simply because you don't have enough time in the morning, change that bad habit now. What you can do is prepare ready-made breakfast food that you can just combine altogether.

Amanda Feifer, author of "Ferment Your Vegetables" said, "When I wake up in the morning, it's perfect and ready to eat." Some options include overnight oats mixed with cereals and fruits.

Meanwhile, another kitchen hack you might be missing out on is the setting aside of dishes and cups that are not necessarily in use.

"Putting all the clean dry dishes away saves a lot of time in the morning and it's a lot easier to find equipment for steaming warm lunches for school, buttering bread, and packing homemade snacks," Wigglelot's CEO Zaida Khaze said.

Now that you know some of these helpful kitchen hacks, what are you waiting for? Try them out now!