Moving houses is probably one of the most stressful things you will encounter in your life. Apart from having a checklist of things to bring, companies to inform about your move, little do people realize that they may also need to perform a thorough cleaning prior to unpacking their things.

Living in apartments is a great thing for those who do not have enough finances available to purchase their own homes. Unfortunately, this also means that you have basically shared the same home with strangers in the past couple of years or so.

This means that dirt and bacteria and viruses may be lingering in certain areas of your new home despite the fact that your landlord has already done some cleaning before your big move. Trulia reported that it is better to clean the house on your own in order to ensure that you get things right before you unpack your things.

Landlords often overlook certain areas when cleaning. These include ceiling fan blades, bathroom exhaust fan, light switches and doorknobs.

Pay attention to these spots, as these are breeding sites for bacteria and viruses and dust often like to accumulate in these places. You may also need to do a thorough cleaning of the dishwasher using white vinegar and baking soda before placing your favorite plates and cups in it.

These cleaning tasks, however, should be consulted with your landlord.

As previously reported here on Realty Today, there are certain things you can and cannot do when renting an apartment. For instance, you may paint your walls after getting permission from your landlord, but the cost of returning it back to its original color may be taken from your security deposit.

While cleaning does not entail any risks, it might be best to check with the apartment building management on the appropriate cleaning agents to use when scrubbing the floor. Always remember that any damage to the apartment will be taken from your security deposit.