Your home may be a complete haven for you and your family especially after a hard and long day at school or in the office. However, did you know that your house can also be a perfect breeding site for disease-causing bacteria and viruses?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than 30 million homes in the United States have been found to pose significant health issues.

"The trouble is that many homeowners and renters aren't aware of the link between their housing and their health. Carbon monoxide poisoning can resemble the flu. And exposure to some toxins may be confused with seasonal allergies," quoted Realty Times.

The publication further noted that common household items may become the perfect breeding site for disease-causing bacteria and viruses. For instance, your carpet may be cleaned regularly, but it may actually spread these microbes into the air you are breathing.

The key to ensure this won't happen is to choose the right kind of vacuum to clean your carpet, beddings and other things.

"The best vacuum has a HEPA filter, [which] filters more than 99 percent of the particulates in air," the outlet quoted on a source.

Dust mites also thrive in a warm, humid environment, and are most often found in mattresses. In order to prevent these tiny creatures from causing an infestation and ruining your mattress, always clean your bedding with warm water and invest in a good mattress cover.

The air conditioner may also be a source of mold especially if the ducts are not cleaned regularly.

As previously reported here on Realty Today, there are also ways in which you can improve indoor air quality.

Regular changing of filters ensure that certain pollutants get trapped before it gets into your system. House plants may also be added at home, especially those that help freshen and purify the air that you breathe.