Generation today has a lot of preferences; colorful, dull, classic, vintage and etc. Millennials have the tendency to be irrational and passive but when it comes to their preferences towards home decorations, nothing can stop them from being creative.

With millennials, who are exposed to social media, it is not surprising that they develop their interior designing by comparing and wanting to have a room decorated the way they want it to be. They  may likely be inspired to achieve a certain design closely alike from their famous celebrity.

This is widely accepted, granting that few tips may be considered also.


IG,  a very popular photo application, has been the online approval of the millenniums' taste of creativity by hitting likes on the photo posted.

Make Up A Cool Name

Mixing up names is a trend for millenniums. Words like "couch" and "table" are too boring to hear. Make up something very creative by playing with the games by joining two words in one.

Hack it Out

Millennials' must have an Ikea furniture. A ready to assemble furniture pieces which includes unique storage options and accessories like lighting and ornaments. Pairing it with a colorful wallpaper and marble table is already a good to go.

Signature Style

Most millennials are fickle minded, cannot decide which design to stick. Others if not, get to be bored easily on their chosen design. It is always acceptable to be unique and make sure to be comfortable in your style. Make a statement style for yourself and stick to it but make sure it fits your taste. Otherwise, you might end up getting disappointed. Make a trademark for yourself to allow yourself to freely express what you want and who you are.

Although it is recommended that you stick to your signature design but always make sure that you allow yourself and your room for possible changes. Avoid using wallpapers that cannot be removed, stickers glued tightly on the wall, walls that have graffiti designs. Sooner or later, your taste will change so make sure you won't have a hard time scratching your walls removing the decors.