The front door is one of the first features that you will see in the home's exterior. This is one part of the house that your visitors and guests are greeted by instantly. Does your front door look inviting? or is it looking plain and boring? There are many exciting ways to make your front door pop out and a slather of a great choice of paint color will totally help bring this out. What's more fun is that front doors sometimes do break the rules in design, it is one aesthetic necessity that you can play along well using different kinds of colors.

Blue, black, red tomato, yellow...there are various colors that can make your front door look interesting and fun. Meanwhile, Houzz details another thing you can try to enhance the cool vibe that your front door creates and it is by defining the color used in the inside door.

Red/ Ripe Tomato

Many houses use the red color for their front door color and this color will even look best when used in the inside. One thing that this color is its "vibrancy" which exhibits enthusiasm and "excitement."

Muted Lime

Muted Lime works best for walls that are neutral in color or painted in white. This color helps bring out a dainty appeal for your home.


Grays in deep hues are best for doors that have panelling details. This color creates a rich depth in color that would even work best if there are polished brass, gold, or copper.


This color is a proven favorite when used on your inside door. Blue is a color that hints formality and "calmness." Depending on the tone, this will make a great accent color for your inside door.


Distinctively, this color creates a well-defined look for the inside door. Black works perfectly well for gray, pale blue, or white walls. Apart from this, Metallic hand knobs in gold color also works best with this color.