You don't need to go to London to reap financial fruits of your investment and become elite. Washington can do it for you, especially if you are a rich foreigner.

According to a report in Forbes, exactly on Dec. 18 of last year, the U.S. made an arrangement to make real estate investment in the country easier for foreigners. In fact, just this month, foreign property owners have transparent tax obligations. The changes being made in the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 will even make it easier for the government to trace who owns what property.

Needless to say, the U.S. government really has its own way of making property ownership in the U.S. real estate a piece of cake for foreign investors. The source reveals that the real secret behind the easy buying of American real estate is the tax exemption. With that, the properties become much cheaper for the REITs and foreign stock funds to purchase. What Washington does to rich foreigners really spells out a booming business for America.

The article "Why Washington Is Making It Easier For Rich Foreigners To Buy U.S. Real Estate" even reports that such strategic tax change has paved the way for institutional investors, especially the European who are used to negative interest rates. With this recent tax detour, Europeans can now consider America as their tax-friendly haven. Washington also hopes that this attractive deal can also attract other investment firms and foreign pension funds around the world.

Forbes further reveals that groups of individual buyers purchasing under Limited Liability Corps have dominantly played a role in foreign real estate acquisition. China alone has been a big investor in New York with a number of properties, including their investment last February of 2015 such as an office tower on 717 Fifth Avenue and Waldorf Astoria. Due to China's booming investments in the U.S., other companies and rich Chinese have been also investing in New York, Toronto, London, Vancouver and Los Angeles.