Having a child at home does not necessarily mean a messy household and cluttered room. Though there may be times that things can go out of hand, but once you're familiar with the cleaning hacks; you'll get the hang of having a clean, orderly home.

Though the living rooms are easy to maintain, the children's bedroom however can sometimes be a battlefield when it comes to untidy toys and scattered leggos. Your kid's room is one of the hardest to maintain most specially if you have a pre-schooler as they'd always make it a point to keep things cluttered and disastrous.

Listed below are a few tips on how to keep your child's room clutter free:

Kid's Choice

Let your kids tour your around their room before cleaning it for them to be able to see how messy their room is.

As per Maeve Richmond, a professional organizing coach, "I start not by asking kids to choose what should stay or go, but by giving them a chance to look around and show me what's there, Then I get a sense of their language and tone, which can illuminate things that are important to them. I mirror back people's language to them while organizing with them - for instance, let's say a kid calls a piece of clothing his 'favorite sweater.' I'll call it that, too, because it says I recognize that it's meaningful to them, and proves that I'm on their side."

Helping Hand

Let your kids help you clean and sort out the things that they would want to go. This is important as it would help you decide on which items should stay. Make it fun for them to sort out the things that they would want to eliminate.

Come up with a sorting game, or make the conversation fun. Not only are they helping you in finishing the task, but it would also be easier for you to decide which things would stay.