Are you feeling a tinge of jealousy when you see a friend's Instagram photo, looking all plush and vibrant, showing a part of his or her home? Well, there are some things you could do to your own home or room in order to make it Instagram worthy.

Sometimes, Instagram filters are never enough to make your photos look as if they were taken from a professional camera or by a pro photographer. X-Pro or lo-fi can only do so much to make your posts picture perfect. Here are a few suggestions that can help improve your home décor and make your IG posts a lot more effervescent and like-magnet. These tips will be especially helpful if you are trying to have your home or room rented out.

According to Refinery 29, you have to edit your mess. No one would want to see your hairclips, strewn make-up products on your bedside table or drawers. Therefore, you should consider placing pleasant-looking boxes or creative storages to make your room more spick and span. A touch of nature could also help. A small indoor plant with lively green leaves or a bouquet of fresh flowers will definitely liven up the room especially if your walls are muted.

The floor matters. A West Elm blog says that including the floor to your shot would create more drama to your picture. This is especially true if your flooring, the rug or carpet has a pattern. Aside from including the room's floor to your photo, you could zoom out to include the entire space as well, specifically for living rooms, family rooms or kitchen.

In any picture, color counts. Unless you intentionally want your post to look dated or old with the BW filters and whatnots, you have to seriously think about boosting the room's color scheme. Never just go for colors on the same pantone. For muted and neutral rooms, have at least one furniture or detail that has a pop of color. Again, this would add drama to your IG post. Also, you could amp the likes for your post if you play with color schemes. Mix dark tones with light ones.

Lastly, boost focal point. Maybe it is an artwork on the wall above your face, a doorknob with intricate details highlighting your newly polished nails or even a psychedelic comforter hiding but the eyes on your face. Whatever it is, seemingly minute but elaborate home accessories or décor could boost your photo.

The next time you feel like posting a part of your home or yourself in a part of your home, think of these tips. Who knows? Maybe it could be a start to your rising Instagram popularity.