Over the recent years, a lot of people made the move to downsize because of the declining housing market. While others prefer to stay in their family home, there are some who wish to downsize for certain reasons.  Whether you want to be an empty nester or just want to live alone, here are ways that can help you downsize without the stress:

  • According to Scott Mcgillivray of Style At Home, consider three Ws before downsizing. Consider who is going to live with you in the new home, where is the new home and why you are downsizing.
  • Consider the things that matter to you, the things that you could live without and the things that you could replace in your new home. Make a list of these things to make your downsizing stress-free. You can't bring everything in your new home, so make sure to prepare a list that will help you in moving to your new space.
  • Sell the things you don't need. One of the real estate advice that you could easily apply is to sell the things that you don't really need in your new home. Set up a garage sale and sell things such as huge furniture, appliances, old computers, old pocket books or even old clothes and shoes, Life Hacker reports.
  • Eliminate duplicates. Since you're downsizing or moving with somebody in a smaller space, it is wise to check for items that are just duplicates. For instance, if you have plenty of dishes, glasswares, sofa set, or tables, getting rid of the duplicates can make your move less stressful. This avoids  clutter as well as you only keep the things you need.
  • Recycle and reuse. Although you want to eliminate as many things as possible in your new home, pick the things that you can recycle and reuse. This can save a lot of money and it can also help you contribute to a greener environment.