Adding sparkle into one's home may seem off, but if done properly, it can revamp the whole room and instantly glamorize the entire area. A bit of shimmer won't hurt as home design that involves aluminium and glitters are officially back on the trend this year. Listed below are a few tips on how to add sparkle and glamour into one's home.

Subtle Shine

To those that would want to splash minimal amount of sparkle can do so by subtly putting in a few items that has glitter or shine. Add in some glittery throw pillows on your sofa or the ones with metallic fabrics. One can never go wrong with a little shine.

Play with Aluminium

It may sound extreme but using aluminium to add shine into your bathroom can actually make it look more elegant. As per Houzz, throwing in some attention grabbing metallic does the trick when you want to add glitz.


Incorporating crystals into your room can make a dull piece into a glamorous set. Throw in some crystal gems and rhinestones into some of your furniture pieces, or even the chandelier to create an icy feel. Putting in some stones at the edge of your bathroom counter can make it tool glamorous too, just make sure not to go overboard.

Glass House

Throwing in glass in your home accents changes the look of the entire room. As per She Knows website, the best thing about using glass is the fact that you can control the amount of sparkle into the area that you would want to design. The website then added that using decorative mercury glass can add colorful accents making the room look lively.


Subtly throw in home shiny metallic pieces into your own living room. Though you have to be careful not to go overboard, throwing in a metallic lamp shade is a subtle way in adding shine into the room.