With 2016 coming in, the mobile device is one proof that there is an abundance of apps and technologies that can redefine any marketing strategy with just a tap of a fingertip. Amongst the many apps which you should start considering is Periscope. The app does not only allow potential buyers to get to know you personally, but it also gives you a broader opportunity for revitalizing an open house technique.

Whenever open houses are made, regardless of the existing market status, it will always be a hot topic annually. Periscope is one of the most effective and innovative ways of making sure that no one is left behind in the marketing strategy circle, while making sure that safety measures are made a priority.

What can Periscope do?

The app cannot only help agents highlight their homes to a number of potential buyers, but it can also extend their potential client reach. Those that have smartphones could join in the announcement. In turn, this can aid in reaching out to buyers that are outside of the state, or those that are open to moving to another location. Periscope, for this reason, has made itself valuable to real estate agents. But the best parts of it are, it's free and easy to use.

How does one use Periscope?

The app is convenient to use, which works exactly like the popular FaceTime except for the fact that it can accommodate more participants for the broadcast. Through the app, your Twitter followers can even automatically receive tweets from you to inform them that you're about to broadcast live. When an announcement is done, you can choose to point your mobile device to just anything, and with the use of the app's instant message transmission, agents can already provide full walkthroughs of a house's exterior and interior attributes, as well as the other vital details of the property's listing.

Periscope can facilitate a real-time, interactive virtual tour. Attendees and followers can throw questions even during the walk around through chat text, where you can also provide responses almost immediately.

With the new marketing trends that are coming one after another, numerous avenues have been provided to advertise real estate investments with cheaper and more efficient tools.