What's inside your home can be a strong reflection of who you are as a person. May it be keeping things tidy, or living in a cluttered space, these subtle hints tell your guests who you are, and how you handle life. Houzz website was able to talk and get insights from the famous author of the best-selling book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up", Marie Kondo.

Kondo open up about how clutter could affect one's personality and gave out tips on how to declutter and how to organize your way into living a more peaceful and joyous life. 

She then shared a few methods on what she calls KonMari Method of tidying up one's home. She then added that it is important to let go of things that no longer serves you purpose, and keep only the things that brings you joy, the ones that you would regularly use.

Kondo then shared her decluttering tips on her new book, "Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Act of Organizing and Tidying Up ."

The cleaning guru then gave out effective tips on how to clean and keep your home looking fresh.

Here's five out of the ten tips that she wrote on her book.

1.    Commit yourself to tidying up.

2.    Imagine your ideal lifestyle.

3.    Finish discarding first.

4.    Tidy by category, not by location.

5.    Follow the right order.

Kondo made a point by stating that make it easy on yourself when it comes to completing you task, that you can view it in a positive way rather than treating it as an obligation. Do things lightly and allow yourself to slowly get accustomed to de-cluttering.