Perhaps since our childhood years, saving has been emphasized by our parents. In fact it has been part of society, that is why banks were built and other money resource saving agencies thrived in the market.

There are many reasons why you should save. As early as today, you should learn to save for the coming days, as the cliché would proceed, "save for a rainy day." And a rainy day would not only mean emergency. Savings could also be cushion for your future retirement, in preparation for your average life expectancy relating to medicine and other health stuffs, and even for social security. To sum it up, saving would suggest financial independence, and this was also pointed out by My Money Coach:


10 Reasons Why You Should Save Money (Even When Borrowing is Cheap & Easy)

Financial independence isn't the same as being rich, but not having to depend on receiving a certain pay cheque can sure make you feel rich beyond your wildest dreams! Having savings that you can rely on is what it takes to become "rich," no matter how you define it. See more...

Saving may be a difficult task for a beginner, especially if he or she has been used to spending a lot, without any qualms for the future. However, saving needs not to be that exhausting, for there are many avenues through which one may start saving. You may save some funds by trimming down some of your utility bills. And in the following article of Teresa Traverse, she highlighted importance and ways to save on utility bills:

7 Tips to Help You Save on Your Utility Bill

When you're a renter, certain costs are set in stone. Generally speaking, you'll have to pay the same in rent each and every month. You might also live in a building where certain amenities - like cable - come at a fixed price. But the only thing you do have control over is how much you fork over for utilities. And you might as well save as much as you can here so you can accumulate more money for fun. Read full post...

You may start saving with your utility bill by cutting off all that are unnecessary and excessive in your lifestyle. You may try trimming down your phone bills and other home bills.