It is 2016-and most of us are probably wondering what the heck happened with time and how come we are already here, not knowing where to go and what else to do. Just kidding! We know you have made some ridiculous promises to be better and we commend you for that-but if we want to be real, here's how we can maximize being inactive and lazy as we were ever, courtesy of People.

Replace travel, going outside with a virtual reality device

Why hop on a plane and deal with the hassle of tons of people and actually moving your two feet? Go somewhere, anywhere and anytime. Consider getting Google Cardboard (or something similar), download a few apps and off you go! Who would even think you are still buried under your couch?

Get everything delivered

Everything can be delivered nowadays from food to grocery to whatever else this century could offer. So, why bother going out when you could be Amazon's bestest of friend? Challenge yourself with a goal of meeting different delivery guys everyday, perhaps?

Negotiate working from home

This is  by far one of the best ideas there is. Imagine the lack of human interaction which you will surely not miss, right? Do everything virtually from home and you'd now even feel like you are working. But here's a top tip from People, "If you can't convince your boss to see the light, consider placing a hologram, elaborate mannequin or even a cardboard cutout of yourself at your desk to replace you while you actually work from home. They'll never know the difference!"

Use a wireless key finder ... on everything

Since we are the laziest bunch to ever walk on the planet, this is a brilliant idea (or invention) or whatever not-lazy-people call it. Get one of those devices finder and you are set for life. Do not worry about losing anything anymore, you have got yourself covered.

Spend a day following your cat around and doing her favorite things (sitting, sleeping)

This is a good way to avoid everyone, from your family and friends. Tell him you'd be hibernating and will turn into one of your furry friends by habit, that is. But please do not ask us how to return to being a normal being once you have gotten used to this. We have no idea how and we cannot help you. You have been warned.

Use online doctors

Healthcare does come with advantages-so no need to go to hospitals or doctor's office just to have yourself get poked at for no apparent reason. Go virtual! There is Teladoc, MeMD and MDLive. Literally, what is not offered online these days? There is no reason to get off that 3-day old PJs nor brush your teeth or comb your hair. Stay home sweet home.

Just don't vote

What is civic duty when the Netflix queue is endless? Plus, why be confused on who you'd want to be in power when you can't even think of getting off the bed?  Plus,  you may argue that you are doing it in protest for the sake of the other people in the world who cannot vote so you should not. That is so heroic of you.

There you have it. If all else fails, perhaps you should try to live like a normal human being and actually do something to make this world a better place? Too big? Right, let us start but cleaning your room, perhaps?

Happy New Year!