Fans of the popular game are excited for the release of "Halo: The Master Chief Collection," which will be released early next month, but there is more to be excited about from the creator of the game.

The fifth installment for "Halo" is going to be released in 2016, and although the limelight has been focused on Agent Locke for some time, that does not mean that Master Chief will be set aside.

For "Halo 5", Frank O'Connor of 343 Industries told Game Rant that the Chief is going to be both the "main character" as well as "the hero."

It was also established that the fifth in the franchise will not follow the events of "Halo 4," but rather, will unite the live-action and gameplay aspects of the brand.

Mike Colter, who plays Agent Locke in the live series, explained: "Yeah, I'm a playable character in Halo 5. Once Halo: The Master Chief Collection is released, and then Halo 5 comes out shortly thereafter, you're basically going to be playing a game with me as the primary character."

The storyline is also refreshing, considering the dynamics between Master Chief and Agent Locke. Colter added, "The relationship between Master Chief and Jameson Locke is going to be interesting. Because, what's the outcome? Is he dead or alive? Because that's usually what amanhunt comes down to do, dead or alive, but you won't know what the purpose of finding Master Chief is [right away]."

In relation to the characters, with Master Chief still the main hero in the game, the International Business Times reported that a new antagonist may debut in "Guardians."

Before "Guardians" will be released, fans can get "Halo: The Master Chief Collection" ahead. IBT reports that there are 4000 achievement points in 402 goals spread in four games in the collection to look forward to:

- Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary: 92 achievements (855 points)

- Halo 2: Anniversary: 111 achievements (1,005 points)

- Halo 3: 76 achievements (695 points)

- Halo 4: 51 achievements (570 points)

- Bonus: 72 achievements (875 points)

It was also said that the collection will have over 100 multiplayer maps, six of which are new for "Halo 2 Anniversary," built from scratch, and exclusively for the Xbox One.

"Halo: The Master Chief Collection" will be released on November 11, while "Halo 5: Guardians" will be released over two years later in December 2016.