Albert Einstein once said that "out of clutter find simplicity." Good thing you don't need to be an Einstein to follow what the great genius had said. Now here below are some of the most practical and intelligent ways of decluttering your house from all the mess it has.

Love the Idea

The first thing you should learn is to love the idea of uncluttered look. Having in mind the idea of what the place would look like after you declutter it, would mean an additional motivation, of course aside from the pressure from your parents or roommate perhaps. Having an end goal in mind would speed up the process, and it will also keep you from muddling the place once more.

Have a System

In filing things, you should have a filing system of your own. There are some ideas about it, but it would ultimately zero in on how you deal with your own stuff. As part of your filing system, you should learn to decide as quickly as possible, what to throw and what to keep. Knowing this would also speed up the process and hopefully clear out a chunk of useless files and stuff.


Decluttering the house could be a tiresome activity, especially if there would be kids around. The best thing to do in order not to lose hope, is to create a preferable schedule wherein you will not be disturbed. There is no need to clean the whole house in one session, you may schedule a day in a week in order to supplement the decluttering process you have in mind.


Decluttering a place is not a one woman effort, you should also encourage your kids and other people living in your house to do the same. If they cannot really participate in the process, at least let them lessen the workload by not adding more clutter each day.