Jimmy McMillan, leader of the "Rent is Too Damn High" party, is back with another single that is going viral on the web. The new song underscores the unaffordable rental condition in New York City.

The song, "Jimmy Mack,"  features a soulful tone - a slower version of the "When are You Coming Back" track from the famous vocal group "Martha and the Vandelas" - running in the background with McMillan trying to slowly rap the woes of the city, especially the high rents and mortgage.

"I'll be back, soon as I'm done, going up to the landlord, ain't no fun," it starts.

"Rooms - $1800 a week, studio - $9,000 a month, one bedroom -$15,000 a month, two bedroom - $45,000 a month," he raps on.

At one point he breaks into a gloomy account of how expensive the food, the college tuition and the mortgage is.

Listen to the tongue-in-cheek track below: 

This is Jimmy McMillan's second stint as a rockstar. In September 2013, when McMillan was running for mayor of the city, he released another rap video "Debate" that kicked off his campaign. Watch that below: 

McMillan's debut song was an instant hit with the masses. Released April 2013, the song urges people to come run with him because he is "running for Mayor." Check that song out below:

McMillan told ANIMAL that he thinks, "music is the way to reach young people."