It is not just a place to snooze; your bedroom is also your very own sanctuary where you can relax and calm your body from the stresses of the world. That being said, it is important to make your bedroom a place you are always happy to come home to.

Here are the must-haves for the master bedroom of your dreams according to Apartment Therapy:

A spot to escape to

Make your bedroom a place of retreat. Aside from a comfortable bed, bring in a loveseat and place it at the foot of the bed, a cozy and comfortable chair, or you can also create a small workspace for your favorite creative hobby to make the room feel like an escape.

Art that expresses who you are

It's your room and it should scream you. It is the perfect place to put the spotlight on personal mementos that might not be fitting in other areas of the house, or a special piece of art that means a lot to you and your significant other.

Quality linens

Do you know that an average person spends a third of their life in bed? This makes it extremely important to invest on quality linens that will make your sleeping experience a lot more enjoyable and comforting. Just like quality towels and a pair of black red-soled stilettos, it's one of those things that are worth splurging on.

An uncluttered atmosphere

When having guests over, are you guilty of dumping clutter from the main spaces of the house to your bedroom where nobody will find out about them but you? Don't worry, we all are, and this a common culprit to a messy and cluttered bedroom. Don't make your bedroom a storage room; have spare drawers or baskets that will serve as catch-all for things that currently don't have a home. This stops you from being tempted to pile them all up in your bed or bedroom floor.

A few little luxuries

It's important to treat your bedroom with little luxuries every now and then. It can be a candle of your favorite scent, a warm and fluffy throw blanket, or a vase of fresh flowers - a bit of luxury will go a long way in your bedroom.