The kitchen will be most likely the most used area of the house when holidays such as Thanksgiving Day comes. However, in preparing for the sumptuous meals that your family will be sharing on the said day, you may need extra space to put all the ingredients and food in. This is harder if you have small kitchen and more people helping with the preparations. 

But, stress not! There are ways to maximize the small kitchen area you have. Here are some tips shared by

Plan where to put what.

Before even going to the grocery store, check the items that you already have. After checking, make a list of what you need. Then plan where to put what. From casseroles to bowls and cups, plan where to put them according to the frequency of their usage. Those that won't be used as much as the others, hide them away. Those that will be used on a regular basis, make sure that they are on the frontliners. This way, you won't be creating a mess when taking something from the storage. 

Invest in new appliances.

Latest appliances tend to be smaller and more energy-efficient. If you are using gigantic appliances, the room for space will be smaller. Also, smaller appliances can always be hidden inside cabinets, counters, etc. 

Colors matter.

Kitchens are always better off with creamy white colors on the higher places and dark hues on the lower ones. This will create an illusion of bigger space. 

Make use of good lighting.

On working spaces such as where the stove is, use brighter lights. This will also make the person working be able to see clearer and work better. 

Holidays sure are just around the corner. From Thanksgiving to New Year, people will be enjoying a sumptuous meal and spending the night happily. Make sure to make the most of it to invest in your relationships. 

What are your plans this holiday? Is your kitchen ready?