Your home is your sanctuary; it should be your serene and comfort hideaway after every busy and stressful day. But this comfort should not come at an uncomfortable cost.

However, a lot of homes are wasting energy in ways that are more than preventable. Here are 5 steps towards an energy efficient home according to Realty Times:

Replace or weatherize all windows

Your window can greatly affect the heat and coldness in your home. Either way, it can cause discomfort as well as a more expensive energy bill than your actual usage.

Windows rank high on the list due to air leakage and heat transfer in the windowpanes. Older versions of single-pane windows do not do very well with heat transference; but if you get energy-efficient windows, there should be instant improvement in your home's climate as well as significant decrease in your energy usage.

Choose and consider the frame and the glass when choosing a window as different materials perform differently with air leakage and heat transference.

Seal the home's thermal envelope

There is also significant energy waste with exterior air leakage; your home's heating and cooling system is forced to work harder than they should with air infiltration. Find the leaks and cover until you get a schedule for an HVAC audit. Usually, these leaks can be found in window frames and doors, underneath baseboards, and around flues and chimneys.

Upgrade your home HVAC system

Identify the age of your HVAC system and consider changing into a more efficient one that is Energy Star certified. If it's more than 10 years, then you should definitely do the switch. A properly installed and correctly sized HVAC system are keys to an improved comfort and air quality in your home, as well as lower energy bills.

Upgrade insulation

Most homes especially older ones have minimum or even below insulation or has become soaked, compressed, or shifted. If you think of upgrading insulation, think of your attic first as this has the most effect to your energy use. Regardless of the material used, a properly installed insulation that is free from gaps and followed the required quantity should do the trick.

Use a programmable thermostat

Accurately and consistently manage your home's temperature with a programmable thermostat. These thermostats can be programmed to make necessary adjustments for you even when you are away; schedule certain modes in accordance to the movement in the house; and it allows you to remotely control it so you ensure that you maintain an appropriate temperature in your home while on vacation or set it in advance so you come home to a comfortable home.