Teen Wolf Season 5B is set to air on January 2016, but we have the latest spoilers for those who cannot wait until next year. 

In an interview with Buzz Feed, Dylan O'Brien, who plays Stiles Stilinski, talks about his impending exit from 'Teen Wolf' after being part of it for 5 seasons. "I'm just very aware of what this show means to me, and I would never, by my own hand, say it's time for me to move on. I'm going to miss this show when it's over. Forever and ever this will be my first role, and that's so special. As long as the stories are still being told, I will have a hand in telling them," the actor said.

The show's executive producer Jeff Davis also teased the fans with spoilers for Season 5B. In his interview with at the New York Comic con, David said that Lydia is trapped in Eichen House and it is Stiles' call how he would rescue her out of it. Could this be what the fans have been waiting for to happen between Lydia and Stiles? The two have always had spark especially after they shared that kiss in season 3. Is it time for them to be more than friends?  

Teen Wolf News adds that according to Davis, Kira and her mother will encounter Skinwalkers, a type of a shape shifter which originates from the Native American lore. These creatures are said to have the ability to transform from humans to animals, and steal people's identities.

The show is committed to presenting the skinwalkers as authentic as possible. David told Moviepilot, "We worked with a Navajo consultant." In addition to this, Tonantzin Carmelo is said to join the cast as one of the creatures. Carmelo is half Native-American, and is known for her role in Steven Spielberg's "Thunder Heart Woman."     

Teen Wolf returns with Season 5B on January 5th, 9pm.