"Clash of Clans" is about to receive one of its biggest updates, hopefully this November, which include a Town Hall 11, a new defense structure and a new hero. No official schedule has been announced yet, but an extended sneak peek will be released ahead of the update.

While many fans are probably excited, some may not yet enjoy the new features even if they come today because they are yet to reach the high levels. It won't be a surprise as it could actually take two years to reach the top levels. Some even spend lots of real money to speed up their game.

Taking cue from Business Insider UK, here are some tips and tricks on how to ace the game without getting your pockets empty:

1. Build Strategically

Business Insider UK says it is important to have a good layout when it comes to winning trophies. Build your defenses and place your gold, elixir or Town Hall, inside or outside the walls depending on what you want to protect.

Town Hall can be kept outside the walls if you want to preserve your gold and elixir for an upcoming upgrade. Some players attack the Town Hall first to get trophies, but you got to save a huge amount of your resources. Plus, you get a 12-hour shield time.

2. Aim for stars

When you attack other villages, aim to get at least one star so that you win trophies and not lose some of yours. Trophies are important because the number of bonus gold and elixir depends on how many you've won. If you destroy the Town Hall first, you receive one star. If you're playing for the trophies, you may hunt for bases with Town Halls placed outside the walls.

3. Maximize the levels

Players are advised to upgrade defenses to the highest levels. Good defenses can discourage attackers, as much as it can protect your resources and Town Hall. Upgraded troops can also do more damage, as well as survive from attacks. Barbarians and archers are the easiest to upgrade and cost the cheapest.

Some upgrades can take time though, from several hours to a couple of days so don't let your builders just sleep and don't hoard your resources. The Bit Bag suggests alternating quick and long upgrades. For example, one or two builder will be used for upgrades that take only a few hours, while the other one is for upgrades that can last up to a week. This would ensure you have an available builder when needed and you don't have to use up gems or buy more builders with actual money. You actually don't need that many; four builders would be enough.

Don't rush into upgrading your Town Hall though. If you don't have an upgraded base first, you become an easy target to stronger foes and your resources can be looted with so much ease.

4. Join a Clan

Being part of a clan can benefit you in several ways. Aside from the sense of community, winning clan wars can give you considerable amount of gold and elixir, including dark elixir. Clan mates can also donate troops to fill your Clan Castle, which will fight attackers of your base. You can also use them when you raid other villages.

5. Patience. Patience. Patience.

Business Insider UK says patience is one of the keys to ace "Clash of Clans." Resist the temptation of splurging your gems and real money. Instead save your gems for when you will need them the most and spend time studying your moves and strategizing with your game.