Facebook makes impossible things, possible.

Today, businessmen can easily access meetings and stay connected with other people through the internet, especially when Facebook is promoting such interactions. With Mark Zuckerberg's recent project Internet.org, they were able to provide web access to 15 million people around the world.

Facebook's engineering director of emerging markets, Tom Alison, stated that there are about 240 million people showing different patterns of mobile use. This data was used by the company to improve their services. Alison featured a map, which highlighted the usage of Facebook. Adding to that is the worldwide usage of 2G and 3G connections on social networking.

This social network has improved their features earlier this month beginning with the News Feed, Newsroom reported. They have developed an open-source Network Connection Class that helps determine the connection speed by dictating which information will be shown. Each story depends on whether or not you have a poor connection.

Facebook can still compete with the fast growth by giving their employees the opportunity to see how 2G data connections work despite the discussions about the emerging markets.  

Product Manager Chris Marra, who has been focusing on emerging markets, stated that "People are coming online at a fast rate in emerging markets. In most cases, they are doing so via mobile 2G connections. But on a typical 2G network, it can take several minutes to download a webpage. That doesn't make for a great experience when sharing content with friends and family. To build for a global audience like ours, we know that we need to design features that work seamlessly even on a 2G network."

Facebook has been developing apps which may not have all the features as those who use 3G, 4G or LTE connections, but provides the same experience available to its speed, Recode reported.