More often than not home office spaces are limited to what is available in the house and they are usually not enough. Here are simple steps to follow to make a cramped space look more spacious.

The home office is often considered an afterthought for most house owners, which is why it is very limited in terms of space. According to, people who work at home often use what spare space they have as an office. It could be the guest room or the storage area where old and unused stuff are kept. One thing common in these spaces is the size - more often than not, it is very tiny, to say the least. There are easy ways to make them look and feel larger.

Use the right size of furniture. The central figure in an office space is the desk and as much as workers want to use large, "CEO" size desks, it has no room in a tiny space. Picking a working table the right size will not only make a room look bigger but will actually leave some extra room to move around.

Use available spaces wisely, arrange everything accordingly. With little space, keeping things in order will not only make it look clean but also more spacious. Clutter can make a room feel cramped and it makes it easy on the workflow if everything has its own space.

Use light colors. According to Buzzfeed, using light colors on the wall and on the floor can enhance the effect of lighting. Dark paint may look cool for an office space but it absorbs light instead of reflecting it.

Avoid placing furniture in the wall. Putting space between them and the wall can create an illusion of spaciousness.

To make things appear in order, use color coding. The eyes find it more relaxing to follow color coordinated objects so it creates the feeling of space.