Moving from your old place to the new one is never an easy task. Aside from packing and keeping the inventory list, you would also have to consider the protection of your new place from damages and scratches while the moving process takes place. Fortunately, there are a number of ways and means to keep your place free from perils while moving is in process. Now here below are some tips that you may innovate or simply apply during your moving process.

Floor Protection

Perhaps the most commonly damaged part of the house during the moving process would be the floor. With all the dragging and dropping of things happening on the scene, chances are great that your precious newly furnished floor would be scratched. There are many ways to protect the floor from being ruined. You may use as slider thus creating a barrier between a furniture and the floor. Furniture sliders come in different forms and sizes; you may simply purchase one from your local stores. You may also make use of shoe booties for additional floor and carpet protection. It keeps away water and dirt, so be sure to have one ready.

Dust and Debris Solution

You really can't leave all the dust and debris from the old place, especially if you're moving in a hurry. In order to wave some of those dusts and for easy cleaning afterwards, you may make use of a tarp to prevent dust and debris from collecting on counters and other areas that would require special care and cleaning process.


Oil Eating Microbes

If you would be bringing some oils or lubricants to your new place, make sure to keep it sealed. And if by chance there would be an oil spill, you may make use of this so-called Oil Eating Microbes. And for grease and stains, you may also use a universal cleaner.


Ask Help

Moving process would imply heavy lifting, so better ask for help. There are some movers who would be willing to do the heavy task for you. Contact them in order to lessen accidents or damages during your moving day. These professionals would surely make the moving process less of a headache for you and your family.