For a seller, having a home inspection could mean an additional fee or cost. However, by having a home inspection you are actually saving not just yourself, but its future owners as well from some major difficulties. Home inspection could likewise be your leverage in achieving a more profitable sale, and it would also ward away possible lawsuits. Now here below, as also discussed by sellingwarnerrobins, are some significant benefits of a home inspection prior to listing or selling of a property.



One of the very purpose and use of a home inspection is for sellers to justify their price. Potential buyers cannot simply downgrade your house and its price because of a recent home inspection report. By doing so, the act of laying all cards in the table may set some room for leveraging towards a profitable home price. By having a home inspection, all underlying issues are definitely out in the open, and likewise the repairs and rehab you made would also be highlighted, thus avoiding a price cut in the process of negotiation.


In every transaction, one of the key elements for it to be successful is the presence of trust. By having or showing a home inspection report to possible buyer or even before listing the property you are actually creating a trustworthy relationship with a potential buyer. Home improvements that you made once well documented and authenticated would surely boost the buyer's trust not just with you personally, but on the functionality, safety and livability of your property. The trust once built would then be translated into a stress-free closing of real estate transaction.


There are instances that even though the sale has been closed, the buyers would still be contacting you due to some property issues. And in order to set things straight right from the very beginning, you may use the home inspection report for transparency. By doing so, you are actually opening the things that you have done with the property, and whether probable causes of injuries and damages were addressed properly, thus avoiding purposeful negligence which may lead to a lawsuit. The inspections made would also be a point of reference for both seller and the buyer to make some amends on the property itself with the intention of keeping accidents away.