How nice it is to open your closet every morning with all your clothes and accessories neatly piled? But you know that's not often the sight you see, because let's admit it, it's just too impossible to keep a closet organized at all times.

While it's almost a dream, there are actually some "magical tricks" that you can do to keep a closet under control in the long run. Here are 5 tiny tweaks that you can apply in your organizing routine to keep an organized closet according to Apartment Therapy:

Put things back exactly where they belong

While this seems like such an obvious advice, you would agree that it is also one that you find hard to commit to. At the end of a tiring day, you just can't seem to find that extra energy to put your shoes back to their organizer and instead just throw them in haphazardly. But just imagine what extra two seconds of putting your belongings back to their proper places each time can do in keeping your room as organized as possible.

Take wire hangers back to the dry cleaners

Who else has an unwieldy file of wire hangers from the cleaners in their closet? Those hangers are not the cutest things to look at plus they could be taking up precious closet space. So have a designated bag for those wire hangers so you can collect them and bring them back to the cleaners on your next trip.

Clean the floor monthly

Can you still see the wood flooring of your closet? If you can't, then it is probably covered by a pile of things that don't have a place to go so you throw them in your closet. So schedule a time to clear that floor and you will never know what treasures you may find under there.

If it isn't working, fix it

Your scarves keep falling off the hooks that are supposed to keep them organized, but instead of getting new hooks that would actually hold them, you enjoy leaning over to pick up the scarves from the floor each time (not!). You are having a hard time reaching the top-most shelf of your closet where you store your jeans so you begin using that space less often - but you need every space you can get! Instead of getting irritated with these everyday hassles, find a solution for them once and for all. Get new hooks for the scarves and a stool to help you reach that shelf already!

A brief seasonal assessment

Instead of once a year, do a seasonal closet cleanup; you might have some items that you could get rid of to make a more spacious closet.