Do you want to successfully finish a real estate deal? Then don't forget that your real estate agent is also just a person. With emotions going higher in such a serious financial business, it's easy to disrespect or offend the person you're closely working with unaware.

Remember that the key to a successful transaction is building a good and mutual relationship with your agent and you can only do that by being careful with what you say. Here are 4 things that you should avoid saying to your real estate agent at all cost according to Realty Times:

That price is ridiculous.

Professional agents who have a good track record in their field do not just give out a price without doing their homework and at the same time putting the local market and your financial situation in consideration. While these agents expect to have to explain the pricing, do not bring up an argument while insisting on a price just because it's what you think your property is worth.

But Zillow said my house is worth $40,000 more than what you're telling me.

Zillow's "Zestimates" feature which aims to give buyers an idea of how much properties are worth is unfortunately not as reliable as you wish it to be. In a recent L.A. Times report according to Housingwire, the estimates are off by a whopping 8% to 61% depending on the type of house and the location.

I know what my home is worth.

As much as you want to believe that you know how much your home is worth, you can't deny getting influenced by your emotions and what your goal sale price is. To have a more logical and realistic computation, let your realtor do what they are good at and that's getting your real house's worth based on significant real estate factors.

I have a perfect credit score.

"Unless you're part of the 0.5% of consumers who reach the 850 mark, it's time to be real about your credit score and your financial ability to buy a home," said Agent Ace.

There is really nothing good that can come out from overvaluing your buying ability. Apart from making the job more difficult for your agent, the truth is going to eventually come out in the duration of the buying process.