Most families spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Food preparation, eating, and a long family chat usually occurs in this part of the house. Keeping the kitchen area neat and tidy is a must. Having it germ-free and odorless is a bonus too. It is important to keep the area sanitized at all times since this area is often exposed to raw meat and poultry which can carry various diseases. The Lifehack and websites provided several tips in keeping the kitchen neat and tidy.

Keep it Clean

A tip from Lifehack stated that in order to maintain a mess-free kitchen is to clean as you go. Wash the utensils after using it to avoid having them piled up at the end of the day. The moment you'd have spills and stains, wipe it and have it cleaned right away so that the area won't remain greasy and germs won't build up. Keeping a disinfectant within reach can be of great help as it is important to keep the kitchen germ-free.

Baking Soda and Salt

Baking soda and salt can do wonders in terms of keeping the area clean. Baking soda can be used as a powerful cleaner; it is helpful in keeping stainless utensils and sinks shimmer. Tough it is important to thoroughly rinse the utensils and the surface properly as it sometimes leaves a white stain on the surface.

Salt can be very helpful in soaking up hard to reach spills. Tossing a handful on a liquid mess makes cleaning easy as it absorbs any liquid that comes in contact with. Using it as a scrub can remove deep seated mess on the surface.

Odor Absorbing Gels

Since kitchen is used for cooking, having a stint is unavoidable. Having odor absorbing gels all over the kitchen can be of great help as it keeps the area stink free. Using citrus or lavender scents can be helpful too. It gives the area a fresh clean feel.