With the summer season is about to end and fall and winter is now fast approaching, property managers need to welcome this time of the year with a fresh start. Rachel Jefferson, who wrote a blog for AppFolio, explains that by doing end summer maintenance, a property manager will be able to save money during the winter season (and for the holiday shopping, too), enhance and add appeal to the homes in his portfolio, and more importantly, keep the residents and owners satisfied and happy. Jefferson recommends the following steps to be undertaken:

1.    Checking of air flow. This includes HVAC units, vents, room fans, baseboard heaters and dryer bents for dust build up. Doing this will prevent dust from blocking the air flow in the house.

2.    Turning up the heat. The HVAC unit should be inspected and serviced thoroughly and professionally. Replace the furnace filters and check the heat to ensure that it is properly working.

3.    Lighting the fireplace and cleaning the chimney. Both should be inspected well to ensure that they are clean and free of debris. The flue and liners of the chimney should be cleaned, with ash and soot build up being prevented. If an electric fireplace is available, it should be tested and made sure that it is in a working condition.

4.    Painting of walls and cleaning of carpets. The perfect time to improve on some "typical wear and tear areas" is during fall when the weather is still warm, to have the windows open and the rooms filled with fresh air as you do your interior painting and carpet cleaning or replacement.

5.    Checking the insulation. Have the exterior of each property inspected for possible need for weather stripping or new sealing. Make sure also that the doors and windows do not let the cold air in and the warm air out.

6.    Cleaning and protecting the patio, deck and porch areas. Check them for damages, cracks, holes, or chipped paint before the start of the wet fall season.

7.    Checking and repairing of driveways and walkways. Look for cracks and fill them so as not to allow winter rain from further eroding the surface.

8.    Cleaning the kitchen sink and disposing of garbage. Humidity in summer causes an increase in the bacteria population in your garbage. Disinfect and unclog the drain of the sink by using a disposal cleaner, or you may have a plumber do a full check-up. Rust and food stains should likewise be removed from the sink, while the kitchen should be inspected for bug or ant infestations.

9.    Cleaning all bathrooms. Mildew remover should be used to make it shine, while grout should be applied where it is needed. Soap scum must be removed as well from tubs, showers and sinks. A fresh coat of paint may be applied to areas that appear rough.

10.  Cleaning the gutters. Debris in the gutter can be dangerous during winter. Twigs, leaves or anything that cause it to clog should be removed. A garden hose may be used to check if water is flowing freely in every gutter, down the spout and to a rain barrel or directly to the lawn.