A well-known plus-size model, Ashley Graham, recently reacted to the fat shaming YouTube Star, Nicole Arbour. According to a recent post by E Online, YouTube star Nicole Arbour "faced major backlash earlier this week after she posted a video entitled 'Dear Fat People' that pokes fun at people who are obese."

A post by Ace Showbiz noted Ashley's words, it appears that Ashley said she was horrified by the video although she normally thought Nicole was a funny person. Ashley further said that "[Nicole] is a funny girl but the subject matter is disgusting."

Ashley Graham further disclosed that "I feel like women already have so much that they have to go through in their day-to-day, so why are you going to sit there and tell us you're fat or tell us that we are big boned?"

Youtube Star, Nicole Arbour may have thought that her stunt will generate trending and much appreciation but it turns differently. E Online posted earlier that the Social media didn't see it that way. People retorted so harshly to her comments, which included contrasts of overweight people to slow-moving zombies.

With so much negativity, YouTube temporarily disabled her account.The post by Ace Showbiz detailed that "Nicole previously received backlash after posting the "fat-shaming" video. In the video, aims on asking the "fat people" to get back to healthy lifestyle which indicates to attaining fitness.

In the nearly six-minute video, Arbour also slated regarding optimistic body image actions that have gone viral in previous months, asserting that hash tagging something bad doesn't make it OK as further reported by E Online.

Although the Youtube Star sensation wants to deliver a message of encourage to lose weight, it was not what video delivered. It was viewed entirely in a different manner and negativity led to more cruel setbacks for the Youtube star.