Adult entertainment website PornHub has launched its first annual PornHub Cares Scholarship. The program aims to help a selected, "happy and talented" college teenager to realize his/her goals via a $25,000 scholarship.

            PornHub Cares will be giving away a $25,000 scholarship to a carefully selected college student who meets their criteria:

            What is it that you do to make others happy? Applicant should be stand out, compelling examples of students who pays it forward.

            Leadership Abilities. Are you on student council? Do you mentor? Or do people just naturally gravitate towards you because you're awesome?

            Creativity in approach. Originality always scores bonus points.

            Interested applicants should be:

  • Currently enrolledfull-time in an accredited post-secondary institution.
  • Eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of the application
  • Verifiable

Interested applicants are asked to write and submit an essay (1000-1500 words) answering the following:"How do you strive to make others happy?", and create a video 2-5 minutes in length that elaborates on the good work that you do and anything else that you might want to say.

            All applications must be submitted until midnight of October 31, 2015. Submission can done through the PornHub Cares $25K Scholarship site.

            Even if charity offering the scholarship features porn, PornHub vice-president Corey Price warned those who are interested that, "We will not seriously consider anyone if they include explicit material in the video, We are not looking for that whatsoever. I want to make that abundantly clear."

            Price also said that the PornHub Cares $25K Scholarship is their way of giving back for the support they garnered from their fans and community that mostly consist of 18-25 years old teens and young adults.

            "Pornhub Cares is a compilation of Pornhub's past, present and future philanthropic initiatives," he said. "The Pornhub Cares Scholarship aligns with our trajectory here at Pornhub, which is firmly set on providing happiness and opportunity through the worldwide community we have established. It's about giving back and providing our fans with life changing experiences/opportunities."