The troubled properties in Roosevelt neighborhood have been torn down on Tuesday. The site will be transformed into an affordable housing project including public areas.

Seattle PI reports that the blighted properties who were formerly owned by Hugh and Martha Sisley have been demolished on September 1, 2015. Accordingly, the city of Seattle in partnership with a developer plans to make the area into an affordable housing and public spaces.

It is also reported that the said properties have various code violations for years. Owners Hugh and Martha Sisley have failed to comply the required improvements of their properties which are near Roosevelt high School. The blighted homes have also become a known "scourge" in its neighborhood.

King5 also says that the Ravenna neighborhood has been celebrating when crews have torn down the three blighted houses of Sisley couple on NE 65th Street near 14th Avenue.

The report also says that the tenants of the Sisley properties have been complaining about their landlord "violating tenant rights and neglecting his property." Hugh Sisley has also a huge amount of fines including the judgments, interest and penalties for violating codes

King5 also says that "developer Roosevelt Development Group paid $3.48 million in leins to the city. Sisley technically still owns the buildings, but RDG's long-term ground lease means it will develop, maintain, and manage all of Sisley's properties in a five-block radius that are zoned for mixed-use." One of the neighbors felt relieved while watching the demolition. She said that it made her feel great. "I'm excited to see what's going in its stead" Emily Brown added.

As the site is intended to be a mixed use building, the spokesperson of RDG has disclosed the plan saying that it would be "a mix of market-rate and affordable housing." Thus, it is a picture of shops at the ground floor and apartments on the next floors.