Rowan County clerk, Kim Davis, has been defying the ruling of the United States Supreme Court regarding gay marriages, using biblical principles on her defense. But on Tuesday, Davis decided to uphold "God's Authority" over the law of the land as she defied the Supreme Court directly.

            Kim Davis, took office as the county clerk last January, and other county clerks have not been issuing any marriage license since the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage to be legal in the US constitution.

            Kim Davis stated in her statement in Liberty Counsel"To issue a marriage license which conflicts with God's definition of marriage, with my name affixed to the certificate, would violate my conscience. It is not a light issue for me. It is a Heaven or Hell decision. For me it is a decision of obedience." She also said that she will continue her work but still will not issue marriage license for gay couples because "I [Kim Davis] cannot violate my conscience." 

            She also said that she has no ill will against the LGBT community, but she is just trying to protect the sanctity of marriage and God's word.

            Lawyers of Davis said that if the court forced her to give marriage license to gay couples they would be violating her First Amendment Right to Freedom of Religion. She also said that her office is not issuing marriage license to gay couple "under God's Authority".

            A more detailed information in the proceedings of Kim Davis Trial is available in Boston Herald.

'           According to Public Records, Kim Davis has been married not just once but four times. But Randy Smith, the pastor of a local evangelical congregation and a leader of the protests, said that "Those marriages, however many there were, actually took place before she was born again, before she found Christ," he added  "That's just like, let's take a homosexual person. Maybe tomorrow they go to a church service, they get saved, and they turn from homosexuality. It's forgiven. The same forgiveness"

            A humorous article feature in The Stranger have quoted "Kim Davis Is Defending the Sacred Sanctity of Marriage From the Gays-But Who Will Defend the Sacred Sanctity of Marriage from Kim Davis?"

            Experts have predicted such predicament would occur after the Supreme Court allowed same sex marriage. It is just one of the many clashes in the standoff between Divine Law and Law of the Land.

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