There are no strict rules when it comes to decorating, so forget about any "rule" you thought you knew about interior designing.

About Home busted these 7 decorating myths for you:

Myth # 1: Ceilings must be white.

A white ceiling is well and good; well, it's safe, and it's getting pretty boring really. Painting the ceiling white achieves that clean and simple look and it also brings lightness above, making the room look taller than it actually is. However, white is not the only option. You can go for bright colors, patterns, accessories - they are all terrific options and are sure to enhance the look of your space when done properly.

Myth # 2: Small rooms shouldn't be painted dark colors.

One of the most common interior design tips is to never, ever paint a small room a dark color since it will make the room feel even smaller. But this doesn't mean that using a dark color is an entirely bad idea. In fact, it's what you should do if you want to achieve that cozy, rich, and dramatic atmosphere for your space - giving an otherwise small space a much bigger presence.

Myth # 3: Neutrals are always safe.

Now this one we're so eager to bust! To say that neutrals are ALWAYS safe is an ultimate deception. When not done properly, neutrals can make your room look bland and boring - and the worst thing a room can be is bland and boring. If you choose to go with neutrals, it is very important to consider tone, texture, depth and shape. Failing to address those could have you end up with a dangerously boring room.

Myth # 4: Wood finishes should match.

There is this popular decorating belief that wood finishes in a room should match with each other - and that couldn't be farther from the truth. Having different finishes and mixing woods create a sense of depth that will make a space feel a lot more interesting than using one and the same wood finishing. But, when doing so, remember to choose colors that complement each other - so no mixing woods with red and orange tones.

Myth # 5: Small rooms need small furniture.

Choosing small furniture for a small room is wrong. A small room doesn't necessarily require small pieces of furniture, but average-sized ones and fewer pieces. What's the point of choosing small pieces but cramming them all in the room?

Myth # 6: Trim should always be white.

It doesn't always have to be white; it just has to complement your wall color. Go for a more sophisticated look and choose a glossy black trim, or if you are feeling more adventurous, go for bright red. Like with any other decorating elements, things need to complement each other.

Myth # 7: You should only use 3 patterns per room.

When it comes to decorating with patterns, you don't need to stick to just three per room (small, medium, large). Consider going wild and use as many as you think your room can handle. It is all about breaking them up with solids so the eye has a place to rest, and distribute them evenly throughout the room. Trust your own eye and don't limit yourself by sticking to a "rule".