If you are not born a naturally organized person, don't fret. It is not impossible to train the most un-organized homeowner to keep their space as orderly as possible (most of the time).

But, it takes time to build habits. So while you are on the process of nurturing your organizing skills, here are 5 home organizing habits that you can start today and keep according to Apartment Therapy:

Write everything down and be a "list" person

We're not talking about a complex virtual spreadsheet or record here; it's just about taking the habit of jotting things down even if it may be on a piece of napkin. This home organizing habit will help you keep track of tasks (like changing the air conditioner filter) that you need to complete or supplies/tools that you need to stock on. It's all about getting it out of your head and in front of your eyes so you can take action.

Find a spot for EVERYTHING

Avoid settling in a general idea of where things go. One way you can be successful at home organizing is by having an exact place for all things you own. If you need to create more storage or compartments to realize this, do it.


Or Always Be Putting Things Back In Place. As you move around your house from room-to-room, try to pick on things that don't belong and put it where it's supposed to go. You will see that this home organizing tip is going to make a huge difference in maintaining an orderly space.

Never put things on horizontal spaces, ever

You might want to declare your horizontal spaces (counters and tabletops) off-limits for stuff. Those are notorious spaces for piling up things. Prevention is better than, well, facing a mess.

Don't let it in, and regularly look for opportunities to get stuff out

An important rule when talking about home organizing is not bringing stuff you don't really need in your home. Also, always find opportunities to declutter such as joining your town's flea market or by doing a garage sale.