A home office is sometimes the most boring and dull part in one's home. The space for this certain area is often neglected in our bucket list for home design and renovations. Clutter of mess and paperwork surprise us most of the time in this part of the house.

This article was based from Elle Décor and they seek the advice and tips of Caesar's Palace Luxury Interior designer Kirk Nix. We will share the seven ideas to recreate that home office. Rouse up your creativity, ponder some time to change the outlook and enjoy your simple working area to your advantage.

1.       It's all about the desk.

Nix advises that this is foremost the important find for your home office. He also advises to find "the biggest desk for the room," this he said will accommodate "future clutter."  

2.       Comfort is key.  

Nix explained that it is very essential that you make your work area your "personal" space or your "comfort" spot. He said, "Make it a space you enjoy. Surround yourself with things that make you happy, grateful almost, so you are encouraged to perform.​"

3.       Accessorize intelligently. 

Choose accessories that are "really" needed, staple items for your desk like a complete desk set. Avoid going overboard with your supplies that would make your space look like a mess.

4.       Customize the lighting. 

A stylish lamp will bring some glamour and drama over your space, it would create a different flavor on your area. Nix advises to incorporate two different types of lighting. Nix advised, "First, a task light for close up work, then lamps or a pendant for ambient light. Balance is what we're after.​"

5.       Add something soft underfoot.

Put some love and care on those feet by putting a "fuzzy rug" or a carpet where in you could let your feet rest without your shoes or slippers on.  

6.       Bring in some music.

Prepare your choice of songs and surround your space with your favorite tunes. As this would literally make you enjoy your work area more.

7.       Keep clutter at bay.

Organization is a must in your work space. Always implement an area for storage of your paper works and documents to prevent clutter. As Nix suggested, "Make sure there's a place for everything and the illusion of organization will indeed prevail."

Enjoy these tips and have a great working area!