There has been a newly developed furniture that will surely benefit the whole family, especially those that have members who suffer acute asthma. The creation of the Fervent Carpet, a coiled throw rug that can be connected to a radiator to kill dust mites.

According to Fast Co Design, a breakthrough of technological advances have dominated the home design department. Two of Design Academy Eindhoven have invented a revolutionary carpet called the Fervent Carpet. This rug would serve as a killer for those unwanted dust mites that haunts those family members suffering from acute asthma.

The Fervent Carpet also serves as an anti-allergenic device that may be conveniently connected to a radiator, heated up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit that makes it kill the said mites. It is made up of two lengths of textile-covered hose that have been arranged in a "ruggish" form, adding style and modern design to it. At its edge, there is an implanted socket where the hoses may be connected to the radiator. Although it might sound weird having a carpet connected to a radiator but Studio Siem indicated that they are finding ways to make it possible for some other heat source in Europe.

According to PSFK, dust mites can cause allergic reactions that could lead to serious health complications. Because of this possibility, people who suffer the said condition stay far away from certain furniture to defer from its side effects. However, now that Fervent Carpet is available in the carpet, life at home is definitely more comfortable and homey.

Siem Lender and Anne Pabon, the two geniuses responsible for this creation, came up with their design because they were motivated enough to find ways to make 235 million individuals who suffer the disease the option to live in a safe home.

The Fervent Carpet has tremendously contributed to the innovations in home design to make home life more comfortable and safe for several people all over the world. What do you think are some of the best creations to enter the world of home design? Post your comments below.