Deciding to move is not a joke; you go through serious stages of contemplation, weighing in on the pros and cons, and that's not even half of the real work when you finally decide to dive in.

But sometimes, the most difficult decision to make is the most necessary.

If you are on the brink of a move, there are several telltale signs to help you clear that clouded mind and help you finally make a decision. Trulia has listed them all for you:

Bursting at the seams

A growing family is a top reason to finally move to a bigger place. As children grow, they will need more space of their own, plus waiting in line for the bathroom each morning is just inconvenient.

Moving to a new place will accommodate your household's needs such as bedrooms for the children, work areas, play areas, and a bigger family room for those Sunday family gatherings.

Empty nest

While some move to find a bigger space, others just have too much space they need a smaller place. When kids finally move out and you are left with three spare rooms and can't think of anything to turn them into, that is one legit reason to sell.

Winter thaw

Six months of winter is just too much for others to take they hit "freezing point". If you are fed up with having to shovel driveways and layering clothes half of the year, maybe it's time to look for a place in a warmer climate. And yes, that's a valid reason to move.

New found love

Changing your relationship status could also mean changing your address. While you love your space in your condo or bungalow, your partner might not share the same thought. After all, your bathroom sink is not good for two and you're even already running out of closet space just with your things alone; living out of a suitcase is only fun for a while. Getting married or cohabiting is a top reason to sell and move to a new place.

Upgrading your abode

Congrats on that promotion! Now you can afford to finally have that dual oven kitchen and a master bath with enclosed steam showers. But instead of getting your current place an upgrade, why not move and find that upgraded house of your dreams?

Last day of work

Retiring soon? Think about the things you want to do when you finally hit that road - sail, golf, play tennis, hangout with grandkids. If your current residence don't allow you do that because of location or available amenities around, you might need to head to a new house and city.

Tight finances

If you are financially struggling because of all the utility bills, repair bills and an expensive mortgage, it would be wise look for a place in a less expensive area. It might just give you that peace of mind and financial stability that you haven't experienced for a while now.

Sketchy neighborhood

When safety becomes an issue, moving becomes an easier decision to make. A spike in crime rate in your neighborhood and increasing number of police activity should ring those alarm buttons and make you contemplate on finding a new and more secure place.

A shorter commute

One good reason to pack it up is when you spend most of your time commuting getting to and from your workplace. Finding a place closer to work earns you more time for sleep, longer shower time, enjoy breakfast, and come home to your partner and kids not past bedtime for a change. Overall, shorter travel times will significantly improve your day to day life.