“Grand Theft Auto 6” has been getting different predicted release dates from numerous online sources. One report said that the game will be out by 2018, while another have insisted that it will be launched a year earlier.

For one, gta6grandtheftauto.com estimated a 2018 release date based on the usual launch schedules of the earlier games in the franchise. “GTA 3” and “GTA 4” had a seven-year gap, while there was a five-year gap in between “GTA 4” and “GTA 5.”

Amid the uncertainty regarding the upcoming game’s official release date, Latinos Post reported that, once “GTA 6” is launched, it is exclusive for PlayStation 4 gamers. However, this does not necessarily mean that players on Xbox One and Windows will no longer have access to it. According to Christian Today, this probably means that Rockstar is going to work on the PS4 version first.

Moreover, the rumor mill has also stated that the game will feature a female character for the lead – a first in the entire game series. This is also something that gamers would like to see, considering that all of the previous “Grand Theft Auto” games have had only male leads, although some of them had some female supporting characters.

Another thing on the “GTA 6” wish list is for the game to feature more explorable cities, according to The International Business Times. To do this, Rockstar will have to fit in more than one or two cities in the sixth installment of the famous game franchise. In time, the “Grand Theft Auto” storyline will grow and develop, tying in all of the cities together

“Of course, at some point, we would like to have one big world containing all our cities and let the player fly between them and revisit their favorite areas,” Rockstar Games president Leslie Benzies told Digital Trends in 2012. “In that context, re-imagining Vice City would be very interesting.”

With regards to “Grand Theft Auto 6,” Benzies said Rockstar’s focus is on “GTA Online” right now. “We have got about 45 years worth of idea we want to do,” he told Develop two years ago. “We do not know what ‘GTA 6’ will be, but we have got some ideas. ‘GTA Online’ is the focus right now.”

“There ain’t no rest between finishing ‘GTA 5’ and then ‘GTA Online,’” he added. “Plus, we have some other things – stuff, DLC – I do not know how to describe it exactly – that we would like to do. We will pick the right ones.”