Every year, Ireland celebrates St. Patrick's Day on March 17 in honor of their Patron Saint, says Catholic Online. During this time, not just Ireland, but everyone can join in the festivities.

Make your home ready for St. Patrick's Day with these 5 easy ideas:

1. Green Curtains or Pillows!

Out with the white, in with the green. Forget winter's color of snow and imagine the greenery of trees entering your home, suggests Cleveland.

Going green to be ready with St. Patrick's Day is the simplest thing homeowners can do, yet the effect can be dramatic. Just mix and match with contrasting colors well, and the decor will be fine. For light walls, bring out your green curtains last Christmas. If you want to retain your light curtains to let the sunshine in, you can throw in some green pillows instead.

 2. Add Evergreen Plants

There's no better way of incorporating green into your home than using real green plants. Use indoor plants like Dracaena sp, or Spathiphyllum. If you can hold on to some shamrocks, that will just be great. Shamrock is a symbol connected to St. Patrick because it is what he used to explain the "Holy Trinity" to the Irish, says Yareah.

3. Design Cards with Shamrocks

You are also not just limited to green, this St. Patrick's Day. You may use shamrocks as the theme of your decors. You may crochet a white shamrock or even multicolored ones.

This is one fun thing to do with children: design card boards or old folders with shamrocks; cut colorful and glossy prints from magazines or use green pieces of cloths or try printing your own design. Make several personalized cards and paste a picture of the members of your family for each. Then, they are ready for display!

4. Make Leprechaun Cookies or Clay Decors

Adding leprechaun decors while celebrating St. Patrick's Day in America has become a tradition. Some say it may be because some consider St. Patrick to be lucky when he escaped his captors. Others say, they just incorporated the Irish folklore in the celebration, says Experts123.

Make this day your bonding time in the kitchen. Make your own cookies with leprechaun designs. Place them in clear cookie containers to serve as decorations as well. If you like some long-lasting decors, you may mold clay into leprechauns. Just try some do-it-yourself ideas that are both fun and cost-effective, suggests Cleveland.

5.Gather Those Little Green Things

Remember, you can celebrate St. Patrick's Day by just thinking green and adding some shamrocks. Find the little figurines you have or some little green decors, like green balls, pebbles, or green buttons. Put them together in one corner with a simple vase with a plant, and you have your own St. Patrick's Day installation. You can be creative by placing some of these figurines on the table beside some bottles of beer. Beer is also part of being Irish. It will be a nice welcome treat for beer-drinkers in the family to enjoy. Have fun drinking while you gather around and laugh.