They say that home is where the heart is. And the kitchen, as many of you would agree with, is where most of the pulsating action takes place. It's one of the busiest corners in the house where families and guests help themselves with great food and some good ol' tete-a-tete. So, it's only fitting that we give our trusted kitchen its much-needed facelift from time to time.

Experts believe that psychology of colors work even with our mood and appetite. And, because it's the kitchen where we spend a good chunk of our time at home, here are some colorful tips for your next kitchen revamping activity from HGTV.

1. Maintain a Balance of Colors

If your kitchen walls are painted with soft and light colors, you can put add-ons such as an article of furniture or a piece of artwork with stronger hues to balance things out. It also goes the other way around for walls painted in deep shades.

2. Feel Good with Colors  

According to HGTV, studies have shown that colors in sharp hues can enhance your mood. The orange color, for instance, can stir up a more positive disposition. So maybe it's good to jumpstart your day in an orange kitchen.

3. You Can't Go Wrong with White

White paint gives off a cleaner and brighter appeal to your kitchen. It also helps highlight a colorful kitchen centerpiece such as a center island by functioning as a clean background.

4. Go Easy in The Eyes

If you want your kitchen in simple light colors but not as plain as white, you can make use of milder and more neutral palette such as a shade of gray.

5. Feel The Warmth

If you're aiming for a warm and cozy feeling, go for strong colors such as ebony. You can make use of veneers in deep shades for your cabinets or countertops.

6. Let Your Kitchen Shine

For those of you who would want to get that sleek and shiny look for your kitchen, you can glaze your walls, or use glossy coatings such as lacquers on your kitchen furniture.

7. Make Your Kitchen Look Cool

You can get a little creative and playful with your kitchen renovation, and add a cool vibe by making use of different colors on different corners and kitchen pieces. You can paint the wall red, use a blue coating for your cabinetry, and add other colorful pieces to spice things up.

8. Go Green!

The different shades of green is a favorite color for many. It gives you an organic, crisp and relaxing feeling, overall.

9. And Why Not Yellow?

One of the better color schemes for kitchens is yellow. It adds a more energetic vibe with a mood-lifting effect.

10.  Make Use of Metals and Wood

You can add a touch of metallic element in your kitchen as it gives a more sophisticated modern look. The wood, on the other hand, is a good alternative in creating a more natural, and saturated shade.