Now, think of this: sun-drenched Mediterranean coastlines and the sweet taste of sangria romancing your tongue, awe-inspiring medieval castles and fortresses nestled on steep cliffs, ornate works of art and classic architectural wonders disguised as Roman churches, ancient monuments, aqueducts and other colossal structures that have stood the test of time, rich cultural heritage, and beautiful people speaking a language so exquisite just as it is poetic. Are you getting where I'm heading here?

No, not Texas!

We are talking about Spain here -- one of most gorgeous countries in Europe, and one of the most frequented tourist destinations, as well. And today, as overseas retirement is growing in popularity as one of the better alternatives, thanks to stifling costs of living in most parts of the U.S. and North America, countries like Spain have been regular fixtures on many lists of the best places in the world for retirement.

So, for those who are on the hunt for their dream retirement sanctuary, here are the three reasons why Spain ought to make your list.

It's the most affordable retirement haven in Europe., an online publication founded in 1979 that helps detail out the best places on the planet in terms of living, travelling, retiring, and investing, came up with their annual Global Retirement Index on the best place for retirement. They listed Spain as your best go-to destination in Europe because it gives you the best bang for your retirement buck.

They said that although Spain may not be as affordable as most countries in South America, the cost of living, property value, and rental rates in the country is lower than most of its European counterparts. The upside is that you get a high standard in the quality of living.

They noted that a couple can pay for their rent and other monthly expenses for just about $2,600 in many of Spain's beautiful cities.

You can immerse in the rich culture that European countries offer.

Spain is a quintessential European country that won't disappoint when it comes to its amazing arts and architecture that spans ancient Roman to the modern times. You can soak yourself in its rich history and diverse culture as influenced by different groups such as the Moors, Celts, and the Basques.

The warm weather and stretch of amazing coastlines.

Costa del Sol, the country's Mediterranean coast that runs the length of a 100-mile... need we say more? So, if you are a sun-worshipper and a beach-lover, you'll love this piece of paradise on Earth.

InternationalLiving has also conceded that, in the end, there is no particular list or a perfect algorithm that can give the best retirement haven for you. You have to go figure it out for yourself based on your personal preferences, necessities, and resource.